Our Works

  • Topic 1. Systems Biology

    We are studying the interconnectedness of biological components and signaling pathways.

  • Topic 2. Single-Molecule Biophysics

    We are studying diffusive and conformational dynamics of various membrane proteins (receptors) in live cells at single molecule level.

  • Topic 3. nanoMedicine

    We are trying to use our technology for medical applications (e.g. extracellular vesicles, drug delievery system).

  • Tool 1. Organic/inorganic Chemistry

    Plasmonic nanoparticles, Quantum dots, nanocatalysts conjugated with functional molecules or biomolecules

  • Tool 2. Live-cell Microscopy

    We have developted optical microscope; Dark-field, Fluorescence super-resolution microscopy / spectroscopy with optical tweezer

  • Tool 3. Artificial Intelligence

    We are developing AI techniques for simulation and analysis of our experiments. (e.g. Machine learning, deep learning algorithm)

Our Research

Multicidipinary research area in Chemistry, Biology, Microscopy, and Computational Science.

There are Awsome projects we are working on. Visit the research, publication, and gallery pages, as well as our SNS!

  • Address

    E2-509, 333 Techno Jungang-daero, Hyeonpung-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu 42988, South Korea

  • Office


  • Email contact


  • Website
